The Community Room is a multi-use space that houses the Library’s collection of books by Vermont authors and that frequently features exhibits by local artists. We encourage the use of the Community Room for cultural, educational, and recreational programs. The room can accommodate up to sixty people. There is no charge, but donations are welcome.
Reservations may be made in person, or by phone or mail. A completed application confirms the reservation. Reservations may be made up to three months in advance of the meeting. A single application may be filed by a group holding regular monthly meetings as long as all the conditions of use continue to be met.
Except for Library staff meetings, interviews, and training sessions, gatherings at the Library must be free and open to the public, therefore we reserve the right to make the name and telephone number provided on the request form available to anyone inquiring about the scheduled meeting.
Download and print a Request for Use application
A Permanent Work of Art
a one-of-a-kind conference table made by Dan DeWalt of Williamsville.
The walnut in this table comes from western Pennsylvania, where I was raised. In fact, I probably rode by bike past it when we were both growing up. Rather than shaping the wood to a preconceived design, I decided to let the wood speak, and I would follow its lead. After finding the two boards that wanted to go together for the top, I let the design of the base and feet materialize organically. It was almost a thrill ride, following the countours and the grain and not fully knowing the destination until I had reached it.
“The table was made almost entirely with hand planes, chisels and gouges. The surfaces show the tool marks, which in turn tell you a story about energy and direction of the grain. No sandpaper was used.
“I hope that when you look at the table, you can envision the tree itself, the shape of the trunk, the limbs which jutted out from the knots, the round edges of its circumference. I see it as a collaboration between myself and the tree, and the tree should get most of the credit.”
— Dan DeWalt
Chairs, custom-made of wood from the same tree by Daniel Omandi of Putney. Omandi is an accomplished, award-winning artist from Kenya. He moved to Vermont with his wife in 2001. He now has a workshop in Brattleboro.