If there is something you want to read and we don’t have it, and it is more than six months old, we can probably get it for you on interlibrary loan. We can also use interlibrary loan to find general information on a specific topic (after consulting our in-house materials). Most interlibrary loan requests can be filled in about one week, although some items may take longer. There is no charge for basic services, but out of state libraries consulted for hard-to-find items may charge fees. We do not request items out of state or incur any fees without the patron’ s permission. Please remember that we cannot request new books on interlibrary loan; it violates state and national codes.

To obtain interlibrary loans, you may search the Vermont Automated Library System (VALS) yourself, or we will be happy to do the search for you. In either case, you will be asked to fill out an interlibrary loan form for each item requested. If we are doing the search for you, we need as much of the following information as possible: author, title, and date of publication.

In the case of an information request, we need detailed notes about what sources you have already consulted. A staff person will help you fill out the information request form.

Interlibrary loan service depends on cooperation among libraries. Patrons must pick up interlibrary loan items promptly and return them on time. Extensions are subject to the rules of the lending library and must be arranged one week prior to due date. Ideally, the items will be used within the given period.


Inter-Library Loan « Guilford Free Library

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